A Kubernetes-centric approach for your stack

A Kubernetes-centric approach for your stack

Tyk is designed to securely manage and secure traffic from the outside of your network to the inside when you use Kubernetes.

Hi MD Abul


With Tyk, you can scale your K8s stack easily, without having to change your existing stack and without the headache of another bloated system sitting on top. You can blend in existing and legacy systems with ease, while bringing a great developer experience to the table.

Declarative API management: Powerful, reliable full lifecycle API management capabilities for Kubernetes


Flexibility as a standard, mold to your needs: Tyk makes it easy to add API management to Kubernetes

Security and stability where you need them: Securely manage your traffic with Tyk to deliver APIs to your services and users with ease

With Tyk, Kubernetes is a first-class citizen. Keep as much of your infrastructure code as possible, as Tyk works beautifully with the workflows and practices that come with using Kubernetes.


If you'd like to discuss this further, please let me know.


Best wishes,


Drake Heuerman
APIM Consultant @ Tyk

Tyk, 22 Technology Parkway, Atlanta, Georgia GA 30092, USA, +1 (404) 4511123

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by "Drake Heuerman" <drake@tyk.io> - 02:59 - 10 Jan 2022