activWebinar Update


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activpayroll Newsflash 

October 2022

Current Trends in Global Mobility webinar

Focusing on the red-hot topic of international remote working, the recent webinar by our Global Mobility team proved extremely popular.

Taking a close look at the reality of working globally for you as employer, the session provided a comprehensive overview of the current landscape and featured questions raised by you, our customers. 

Moderated by Steph Smith, Head of Global Mobility Growth, the presentations by Kirsten Wright, our Head of Global HR Services and Graeme McKechnie our Head of Global Employer Solutions, covered the following areas of discussion:

  • The benefits as an employer of allowing this type of working arrangement
  • The risks associated with this type of working arrangement for employers
  • What companies need to do to make sure they are compliant

Don't worry if you missed the live session, you can register for a copy of the recording or visit our website for more information.  

Find out more 


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by "activpayroll" <> - 09:58 - 27 Oct 2022