APM for AI is here—Get early access now

New Relic

New Relic
December 2023
Introducing New Relic AI monitoring: Industry's first APM for AI
New Relic AI monitoring (AIM) is the industry’s first end-to-end APM solution that brings the power of observability to the entire AI stack enabling teams to build and run AI applications with confidence. Now engineers will have full visibility into all components of their AI stack to easily monitor, debug, and improve their applications for performance, quality, and cost.

Get Early Access

With New Relic AI monitoring you can:
  • Debug faster with complete visibility: End-to-end visibility of your entire AI application stack, from application to infrastructure to the AI layer to spot and fix problems.
  • Ensure AI app performance, quality, and cost: Follow the lifecycle of LLM prompts and responses to optimize for latency, quality, and cost of AI applications.
  • Choose the right model for your app: Track usage, performance, quality, and cost across all models in a single view to choose the right model for your needs and optimize costs.
  • Instantly monitor any AI ecosystem: With 50+ integrations and counting for popular LLMs, vector data stores, and more, AIM is the one-stop shop for monitoring your AI applications.
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BHOOST implements New Relic free tier for ecommerce observability, quickly identifying bottlenecks and streamlining the troubleshooting process.
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11-30 Connected experience.png
See the right data in the right view in fewer clicks. Click on time series charts from anywhere in New Relic to go directly to associated entities as well as their traces and logs—so you can explore your data in context and troubleshoot faster.
Useful Reads
Unraveling frontend glitches is much like decoding a mystery—each click, each user interaction can hold a clue. But what if you could play detective in the most immersive way possible? Enter New Relic Session Replay, the tool that places you right into the heart of user experiences, letting you witness and dissect issues in real-time.
End-of-Life Announcements
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by "New Relic" <emeamaketing@newrelic.com> - 05:26 - 19 Dec 2023