Create custom dashboards for faster troubleshooting

New Relic

Simple steps to see context for system performance in real-time.

Quick & custom visualizations

Organize your insights by creating dashboards and sharing them with your team. Combine data from anywhere in the New Relic One platform to build flexible, interactive visualizations.

Set up a dashboard
Quick visualizations

Why you should do this
To give context and gain insight into what your system is doing in real time.

What this does
You can create high-density, interactive visualizations for whatever data you want to see from anywhere in the New Relic platform.

Common uses

  • Display an application performance dashboard on a TV in the office
  • Give stakeholders a business performance dashboard that answers their key questions
  • Track PagerDuty alerts to identify trends and patterns
Set up a dashboard

If you have questions along the way, check our docs, community, or take a hands-on lab.

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by "Max from New Relic" <> - 12:00 - 1 Apr 2022