EP127: 20 Popular Open Source Projects Started or Supported By Big Companies

EP127: 20 Popular Open Source Projects Started or Supported By Big Companies

This week’s system design refresher:
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This week’s system design refresher:

  • HTTP 1 Vs HTTP 2 Vs HTTP 3! (Youtube video)

  • 20 Popular Open Source Projects Started or Supported By Big Companies

  • A Cheatsheet for UML Class Diagrams

  • Top 6 Tools to Turn Code into Beautiful Diagrams

  • 5 HTTP Status Codes That Should Never Have Been Created


Free NoSQL Training: Live and Instructor Led (Sponsored)

Whether you’re just curious about NoSQL or looking to optimize your NoSQL performance, this event is a fast way to learn more and get your questions answered by experts. 

You can choose from 6 courses across two tracks:

  • Essentials: NoSQL vs SQL architectures, data modeling fundamentals, and building a sample high-performance application with ScyllaDB.

  • Advanced: Deep dives into application development practices, advanced data modeling, optimizing your database topology, monitoring for performance, and more.

As the name suggests, it’s truly live (with no on-demand equivalent!) Bring your toughest questions. You can interact with speakers and connect with fellow attendees throughout the event. 

Register for Free


20 Popular Open Source Projects Started or Supported By Big Companies

graphical user interface, application
  1. Google
    - Kubernetes
    - TensorFlow
    - Go
    - Angular

  2. Meta
    - React
    - PyTorch
    - GraphQL
    - Cassandra

  3. Microsoft
    - VSCode
    - TypeScript
    - Playwright

  4. Netflix
    - Chaos Monkey
    - Hystrix
    - Zuul

  5. LinkedIn
    - Kafka
    - Samza
    - Pinot

  6. RedHat
    - Ansible
    - OpenShift
    - Ceph Storage

Over to you: Which other project would you add to the list?

Are you ready to train your AI model on NVIDIA® H200 GPU cluster with InfiniBand? (Sponsored)


NVIDIA claims that H200 SXM offer significant enhancements over the H100 SXM, delivering up to 45% better performance in generative AI and HPC tasks. Want to test it this autumn? Contact Nebius AI team.

Learn more

A Cheatsheet for UML Class Diagrams

UML is a standard way to visualize the design of your system and class diagrams are used across the industry.

graphical user interface, diagram

They consist of:

  1. Class
    Acts as the blueprint that defines the properties and behavior of an object.

  2. Attributes
    Attributes in a UML class diagram represent the data fields of the class.

  3. Methods
    Methods in a UML class diagram represent the behavior that a class can perform.

  4. Interfaces
    Defines a contract for classes that implement it. Includes a set of methods that the implementing classes must provide.

  5. Enumeration
    A special data type that defines a set of named values such as product category or months in a year.

  6. Relationships
    Determines how one class is related to another. Some common relationships are as follows:
    - Association
    - Aggregation
    - Composition
    - Inheritance
    - Implementation

Over to you: What other building blocks have you seen in UML class diagrams?

Top 6 Tools to Turn Code into Beautiful Diagrams

No alt text provided for this image
  • Diagrams

  • Go Diagrams

  • Mermaid

  • PlantUML

  • ASCII diagrams

  • Markmap

Did we miss anything? What's your favorite?

5 HTTP Status Codes That Should Never Have Been Created

graphical user interface, text, application, email
  • 451 Unavailable for Legal Reasons: Access denied due to legal issues.

  • 218 This is Fine: Inspired by the meme, bypasses server error overrides.

  • 420 Enhance Your Calm: Twitter’s old code for exceeding rate limits. Now changed to 429.

  • 530 Site Frozen: Used by Pantheon for locked sites, often unpaid bills.

  • 418 I'm a Teapot: A classic April Fool's joke indicating a server's limitations.

Over to you: Have you come across any other weird HTTP Status Codes?


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by "ByteByteGo" <bytebytego@substack.com> - 11:35 - 31 Aug 2024