Forging your own path: Sandra Horbach on building a career in private equity

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There’s been a ton of growth in private equity over the past couple of decades. Technology has been a driving force in accelerating change, and this has allowed for more interesting and transformative investment opportunities. One area that could use even more change is a focus on diversity, especially for senior leaders, according to Sandra Horbach, managing director and cohead of US buyout and growth at Carlyle. “We really think diverse teams result in better investment decisions. I’ve seen it over and over again: when we bring in diverse perspectives, we just come out with a better outcome. That’s true of investment decisions.” Get her perspective on the state of private equity today, the path forward on diversity and inclusion, and more in a new interview.
— Joyce Yoo, digital editor, New York
Sandra Horbach
Forging your own path: Sandra Horbach on building a career in private equity
The cohead of US buyout and growth at Carlyle shares thoughts on the state of private equity, the path forward on diversity and inclusion, and advice on building a successful career in the industry.
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“One of my hopes for the book, in addition to its being a fun read, is a benefit I’ve also seen for myself: it helps us shift away from our natural tendency to focus on the negative and actually begin to appreciate some of the other stuff that’s much more positive that happens all the time, even in difficult times.”
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by "McKinsey Daily Read" <> - 06:31 - 28 Mar 2022