Join our New Relic EMEA User Meetups this September!

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New Relic
Event Invitation
New Relic User Meetups - September
Join our User Meetups happening across EMEA this September

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I’m Harry Kimpel, Principal Developer Relations Engineer here at New Relic. Throughout September, myself and our technical team will be travelling around EMEA to meet other New Relic users for food, drinks, swag, and of course—data talk!

In September, you’ll probably be preparing for the upcoming peak sales period. We’ll give you essential tips and hands-on talks to help you prepare for what’s ahead—Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas.

Meet us and other local users as we share best practices on how to use New Relic.

Meetup agenda (in your local time)

2:00pm: Arrival, networking, and refreshments
2:45pm: What’s new and what’s next in observability
3:15pm: Using New Relic to prepare for peak season
  • Business observability dashboards
  • Website performance monitoring
  • Popup handling in synthetics
  • Custom visualisations
4:15: NRQL function of the day!
4:30pm: All your questions answered by our experts
5:00pm: Food, drinks, and networking

Whether you’re new to New Relic or an experienced user, there’s something for everyone. We’ll also be throwing in multiple giveaways on the day - come along to be in it to win it. Don’t forget to bring your laptop too!

Register below

Tel Aviv, Wednesday 6 September Register
Amsterdam, Wednesday 13 September Register
Paris, Thursday 14 September Register (EN) or Register (FR)
Dubai, Thursday 14 September Register
Manchester, Tuesday 19 September Register
Berlin, Tuesday 19 September Register
London, Wednesday 20 September Register
Madrid, Tuesday 26 September Register

We look forward to seeing you there!

Harry Kimpel,
Principal Developer Relations Engineer, EMEA
Register Now

by "Harry Kimpel" <> - 05:02 - 4 Sep 2023