New Sales Order - Ref[4] - (Maqabim Distributors & British Columbia Liquor Distribution Branch)

Hello Fabien,
It would be great to talk to you on phone. Hope we can get to discuss some of our mutual customers and suppliers.
Ship from
Ship to
Maqabim Distributors
British Columbia Liquor Distribution Branch
I am looking forward talking to you and to give you a top-class unmatched Rates with a GUARUANTEE. Our rates will be better then your carriers that you work with regularly. Just add us to your list.


Scott Adams

Director National Sales

Phone: +1 (289) 295-1640 ext 102
Address: 1315 North Service Road East Oakville ON L6H1A

All quotes are based on Dock to Dock, Business to Business and Stackable (Unless Otherwise Specified)

Legal Disclaimer: Charges are based on the information you have provided herein. Any variation to this information may affect the charges. Rates are valid for the customer named herein and constitute a confidential rate agreement between the customer and MGC-FREIGHT and may not be disclosed to any other party. Rates displayed herein will be in effect at time of shipping unless the rate agreement is amended or expired prior to shipment date. 

by "Scott Adams -MGCFREIGHT" <> - 12:04 - 6 Aug 2024