Next steps for your Sumo Logic Free Trial

Sumo Logic

Half way through trial
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Sumo Logic
Sumo Logic
Learn about additional resources
At this point you are halfway through your Sumo Logic Free Trial. We hope you are finding value in your experience. As you continue into the second half of the trial, we'd like to share some additional resources you may not be aware of.
Tip 1 - Quick Start Labs

We offer five hands-on lab tutorials that can be completed individually, or as part of a training class. The tutorials give new users real-life experience with common use cases.

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Tip 2 - Test Your Skills

There are six Sumo Logic certifications available, each with a 60-minute, 30-question exam. There is no cost and you can take them whenever or wherever you prefer.

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Tip 3 - Self Service Upgrades

From within your free trial, you can navigate to the billing section to upgrade your account at any time. If you’d like to speak with someone about your free trial, please reach out to our Technical Onboarding team at They are more than happy to help.


by "Sumo Logic" <> - 04:00 - 2 Nov 2021