[Online workshop] Dashboard techniques to visualize system and business performance

New Relic

New Relic
Take visualizations to the next level by joining this hands-on workshop that will help elevate your dashboard skills. Register for this free online workshop on 21st March at 10 AM GMT/ 11 AM CET and learn how to build powerful dashboards to help you understand your systems, troubleshoot more efficiently, and correlate performance metrics with business KPIs.

In the workshop, you'll learn how to:
  • Explore the data you collect, build custom charts, and create data-rich dashboards
  • Learn about powerful dashboard features that enable you to link, filter, and share them for more powerful troubleshooting and data correlation.
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites but we recommend basic familiarity with the New Relic Query Language NRQL or have taken the Practitioner Learning Path on learn.newrelic.com to get most value from this workshop.
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by "New Relic" <emeamarketing@newrelic.com> - 06:07 - 7 Mar 2024