[Online workshop] Improving Observability with New Relic Mobile and React Native

New Relic

New Relic
With New Relic’s latest support for React Native, you can ingest data from framework-instrumented applications directly into New Relic. So now you can see not only application performance but how the performance of your entire stack impacts users.

Register for this online workshop on 22nd March at 2 PM GMT/ 3 PM CET to learn the steps for instrumenting your React Native apps with New Relic, and use the data reported to understand and improve the performance of your applications over time.

We will cover:
  • How to install New Relic SDK in the React-Native demo app
  • Availability, Functionality, and Performance
  • Examples of how to add custom data, like breadcrumbs and custom events.
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by "EMEA Marketing" <emeamarketing@newrelic.com> - 05:36 - 7 Mar 2023