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The best response to an unfamiliar crisis may be counterintuitive. Here’s why
On Point
How dual awareness helps leaders Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel & Homayoun Hatami
Global leaders, Industry & Capabilities Practices— Hanna Carney, editor, New York
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by "McKinsey On Point" <> - 11:43 - 11 Dec 2022 -
Enjoy unlimited access to McKinsey Explainers
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You have questions. We have answers. Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel & Homayoun Hatami
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Previously exclusive to the Insights app, our full McKinsey Explainers series is now available to you on as well. In the months since launch, the series has become one of our most popular, breaking down complex business concepts and offering straightforward answers to challenging questions—all backed by trusted McKinsey research and analysis.
Sample our most-read Explainers below and visit our site or app to browse through them all. Plus watch for new Explainers weekly.Share these insights
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by "McKinsey & Company" <> - 03:13 - 11 Dec 2022 -
Is globalization over?
Harmony Internal - McKinsey
Change is the only constant Yes, I'm still interested Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel & Homayoun Hatami
Global leaders, Industry & Capabilities PracticesNew from McKinsey & Company
You don’t need us to tell you: it’s been a tumultuous few years. Between the pandemic, the first land war in Europe in generations, and higher-than-ever tensions between the US and China—any one of these events would have shaken the foundations of the globalized world economy. Together, they’ve introduced cracks that have led some to believe the era of prosperous globalization is coming to end. Not so fast, says new research from the McKinsey Global Institute. The bonds forged in the 20th century between regions, industries, companies, and countries are not so easily broken. The challenge now is to fully reckon with the risks of dependency—and to help actors in each sector understand their responsibilities. Check out the new discussion paper by MGI partner Jeongmin Seong, MGI senior partner Olivia White, and their coauthors for a nuanced understanding of how global value chains will be shaped by new forces in the coming decade. For more on the state of globalization today, check out these insights.
To see more essential reading on topics that matter, visit McKinsey Themes.
– Stephanie d’Arc Taylor, editor, Southern California
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by "McKinsey & Company" <> - 06:20 - 10 Dec 2022 -
The week in charts
The Week in Charts
Digital trust, climate technology, and more Yes, I'm still interested Share these insights
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by "McKinsey Week in Charts" <> - 03:33 - 10 Dec 2022 -
How to be well in the new year—and beyond
Harmony Internal - McKinsey
Look closer Yes, I'm still interested Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel & Homayoun Hatami
Global leaders, Industry & Capabilities PracticesNew from McKinsey & Company
It’s that time again: The end of the year, for many, is a period of reflection and preparation for what’s ahead. The challenges faced in 2022 could pave the way for more uncertainties in the coming year, but if you take a step back to look at the bigger picture—and zoom in on the many pixels that paint that picture, the future may be brighter than you realize. A new report from McKinsey Global Institute's Chris Bradley, Marc Canal, Sven Smit, and Jonathan Woetzel reveals that much of the world has actually improved over the past two decades when using a microregional lens to look at human health and economic prosperity. Check out the comprehensive report for a dramatically different view of human development around the world, uncovering the true depth and breadth of progress, and explore more insights on improving healthy aging, practicing deliberate calm, prioritizing well-being, and more.
To see more essential reading on topics that matter, visit McKinsey Themes.
— Edited by Katherine Tam, editor, New York
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by "McKinsey & Company" <> - 10:11 - 10 Dec 2022 -
Seis prioridades para los CEOs en tiempos turbulentos
Además, cómo cuadrar la resiliencia con promesas de cero emisiones netas .Comparte este email Destacados mensuales, Diciembre de 2022 Gestionar organizaciones complejas es mucho más difícil hoy que hace unos años, escriben Homayoun Hatami, líder global de prácticas de capacidades, y Liz Hilton Segel, líder global de prácticas industriales. ¿Cómo pueden los CEOs decidir lo que se debe hacer ahora y lo que puede esperar? Nuestros artículos destacados de este mes describen seis prioridades que ocupan un lugar prominente en las agendas de los CEOs de todo el mundo, así como cinco acciones principales para ayudar a los CEOs a cumplir un doble imperativo (resiliencia y cero neto) en el corazón de una nueva estrategia de sostenibilidad. Otros temas relevantes en la edición de este mes son: - Un marco para ayudar a las empresas a priorizar sus acciones y colaboraciones que pueden contribuir a un crecimiento sostenible e inclusivo
- Una visión de los flujos que impulsan la integración global y una evaluación de los riesgos de interdependencia y concentración
- Por qué las empresas deberán empezar a crear muchos más negocios que hasta ahora para cumplir con sus expectativas de ingresos en los próximos años
- Cómo un enfoque basado en las habilidades puede ayudar a los empleadores estadounidenses a expandir las reservas de talento y retener a los mejores trabajadores
La selección de nuestros editores ¿Qué es lo más importante? Seis prioridades para los CEOs en tiempos turbulentos Con los problemas económicos en aumento, es hora de apretarse el cinturón y ponerse el casco. Pero no olvidemos la mochila propulsora para acelerar hacia la siguiente fase de crecimiento. Ármese de valor Una dualidad endiablada: Cómo los CEOs pueden conciliar la resiliencia con promesas de cero emisiones netas Las turbulencias en el camino hacia el cero neto no alterarán el destino ni la urgencia de llegar allí, y los líderes deberán ser mucho más ágiles para equilibrar la resiliencia con un futuro energético que sea seguro, asequible y limpio. Cinco acciones pueden ayudar. 5 acciones fundamentales LOS DESTACADOS DE ESTE MES Hacia un futuro sostenible, inclusivo y en crecimiento: El papel de las empresas Para hacer que el mundo sea tan sostenible e inclusivo como esperamos, será necesario un cierto tipo de crecimiento económico, y las empresas desempeñarán un papel vital en generarlo. Priorice lo que está por venir Flujos globales: Los lazos que unen en un mundo interconectado Las turbulencias económicas y políticas han provocado especulaciones de que el mundo se está desglobalizando. Pero la evidencia sugiere que la integración global está aquí para quedarse, aunque con matices. Impulse la resiliencia La creación de nuevos negocios en 2022: Impulsar el crecimiento en tiempos volátiles Una nueva encuesta global concluye que la creación de nuevos negocios puede impulsar el crecimiento y el valor. Sin embargo, para cumplir con las expectativas de ingresos en el futuro, las empresas deben aumentar drásticamente sus esfuerzos. Detone el crecimiento Adoptar un enfoque basado en las habilidades para desarrollar la fuerza laboral del futuro Nuestro trabajo con Rework America Alliance destaca cómo un enfoque basado en las habilidades puede ayudar a los empleadores estadounidenses a expandir las reservas de talento y a retener a excelentes trabajadores, incluso en medio de la incertidumbre económica. Rompa el molde Informe Global de Seguros 2023: Reimaginar los seguros de vida La industria global de seguros de vida se enfrenta a un punto de inflexión. Una reimaginación fundamental dará lugar a un cambio significativo. Examine los datos Incluso en el metaverso, las mujeres siguen excluidas de los roles de liderazgo Cinco indicadores tempranos sobre las mujeres en el metaverso revelan la desigualdad de género, especialmente en el liderazgo que crea y establece las normas del metaverso. Infunda un liderazgo diverso INFORME DESTACADO La situación económica de los latinos en Estados Unidos: Decididos a prosperar Los latinos de Estados Unidos son un motor de la economía de ese país y representan la porción de más rápido crecimiento del PIB estadounidense. Descargue el informe completo Esperamos que disfrute de los artículos en español que seleccionamos este mes y lo invitamos a explorar también los siguientes artículos en inglés. ALSO New
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by "Destacados de McKinsey" <> - 08:26 - 10 Dec 2022 -
The power of design, listening to your inner voice, ERGs, and more big insights for the weekend
Harmony Internal - McKinsey
Unwind with these reads this weekend Yes, I'm still interested Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel & Homayoun Hatami
Global leaders, Industry & Capabilities PracticesAs we approach the holiday season, dig into the week’s big reads this weekend on why design should be prioritized by CEOs, the importance of listening to your inner voice, climate targets, and more.
—Helge Muenkel, chief sustainability officer of DBS Bank, in “One way to help solve net-zero challenges: Working together as an ecosystem”
chart of the day
Ready to unwind?
— Edited by Joyce Yoo, editor, New York
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by "McKinsey Daily Read" <> - 06:50 - 9 Dec 2022 -
API Trends in 2023 - Don’t Miss the Webinar
Avoid the FOMO! Join us to learn about API predictions for 2023Haven't made plans for December 13th yet? Good!
We are hosting our final webinar of the year where we will share our predictions for APIs in 2023 and teasers of the incredible innovations coming to SmartBear in the new year.
Hi Abul,
We’re excited for next week’s webinar, 2023 API Predictions: Shift-Left and Standardize for Success, and hope you are too!
Join SmartBear API gurus Frank Kilcommins and Alex Bonstrom as they discuss:
- Insights from 2022’s API trends and our predictions for 2023
- The possible impact of economic headwinds - and how to mitigate those impacts
- How APIs can drive seamless digital experiences, foster rapid innovation, help to maintain regulatory standards
Hope to see you there!
P.S. Feel free to complete our State of Software Quality | API survey to help shape the future of software development!Andrew MarottaGrowth Marketing Manager, SmartBearThis email was sent to {lead.Eamil Address} by SmartBear Software, 450 Artisan Way, Somerville, MA. 02145, 617.684.2600, We hope you found this email of interest. However, we value your privacy. If you do not wish to receive future correspondence from us, please click here to manage email preferences.
by "Andrew from SwaggerHub" <> - 11:29 - 9 Dec 2022 -
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by "Fiverr" <> - 07:03 - 9 Dec 2022 -
The State of Fashion 2023: Bright spots and darker patterns
The Shortlist
Ten themes to watch Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel & Homayoun Hatami
Global leaders, Industry & Capabilities PracticesThis week, why the fashion industry is likely to remain in a state of flux in 2023. Plus, consumer companies are turning to chief transformation officers more often, and why it’s important for leaders to demonstrate “deliberate calm.”
Fashion forward. After experiencing 18 months of robust growth through mid-2022, the global fashion industry is facing a challenging environment once again. Inflation and gloomier customer sentiment have led to declining growth rates in this year’s second half, a trend that is likely to continue through 2023. According to the annual Business of Fashion and McKinsey State of Fashion Survey, industry executives expect that rising prices will lead most shoppers to curtail fashion spending or trade down for less expensive products. Fashion companies are also anticipating that inflation will cause their costs to spike; cotton and cashmere prices, for example, have increased 45 percent and 30 percent, respectively, year on year.
Trends to watch. As McKinsey senior partners Anita Balchandani, Achim Berg, and their team note, fashion companies can adapt to global economic uncertainty and the industry’s consumer complexities by updating their operating models and adjusting their strategies for supply chain, sales channels, and digital marketing. And they should take note of several consumer trends that are gaining steam, such as gender-fluid fashion and the reinvention of formal wear. For many brands and retailers, the blurring of the lines between men’s wear and women’s wear will require rethinking their product design, marketing, and in-store and digital shopping experiences. Formal attire, too, is taking on new definitions as shoppers rethink how they dress for work, weddings, and other occasions.
Despite the economic headwinds facing the industry, fashion leaders are in a unique position to reevaluate the ways that their brands produce, distribute, and market their collections. Supply chains remain disrupted from the COVID-19 pandemic, elevating the need to invest in faster and geographically closer manufacturing systems. While direct-to-consumer digital channels remain a top priority, fashion companies will need to diversify their sales channels to maintain efficiency and market relevance. Brands will need to be more creative in marketing to attract customers through bold, differentiated content that cuts through a crowded digital environment. Heading into 2023, those fashion brands that invest in agility and creativity will be in a position to succeed when the market recovers.
In this episode of The McKinsey Podcast, Jacqueline Brassey, a McKinsey senior knowledge expert, and Aaron De Smet, a McKinsey senior partner, talk about how extraordinary leaders succeed through volatile times by demonstrating “deliberate calm”—a practice of adaptive, intentional choice that anyone can develop by embracing what was once regarded as “soft stuff”: self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness. To resist the temptation to react as usual, De Smet says, one has to be “very cognizant of a mindset that is reactive to protecting the status quo, where I just fall back on what I know, versus a learning mindset where I have to say, ‘This is an opportunity for me to learn something and evolve and adapt.’”
Public speaking can be a nerve-racking experience, even for the most seasoned professionals. Whether presenting to a large group, a senior client, or a CEO, speakers must overcome fears and doubts, project confidence, and think on their feet. In My Rookie Moment, McKinsey leaders look back on presentations they gave as newbie consultants—sometimes unexpectedly and without much preparation—and the lessons they learned that helped shape their careers.
— Edited by Barbara Tierney, senior editor, New York
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by "McKinsey Shortlist" <> - 01:46 - 9 Dec 2022 -
Inflation is at a record high throughout Europe. How should retailers respond?
On Point
What resilient retailers do differently Yes, I'm still interested Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel & Homayoun Hatami
Global leaders, Industry & Capabilities Practices• Painful prices. Everywhere in Europe, inflation is at record-breaking highs. With food and gas prices soaring, many Europeans are reducing or drawing down on savings. Fifty-five percent of consumers in Europe say they’ve cut their savings in recent months, and one-third say they’ve dipped into savings to cover living expenses, our latest European Consumer Pulse Survey shows. Retailers under pressure will need to quickly adjust for high inflation while preparing themselves for long-term resiliency, reveal McKinsey senior partner Franck Laizet and coauthors.
— Edited by Belinda Yu, editor, Atlanta
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by "McKinsey On Point" <> - 12:22 - 9 Dec 2022 -
The state of AI in 2022—and a half decade in review
Harmony Internal - McKinsey
Dig into the results Yes, I'm still interested Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel & Homayoun Hatami
Global leaders, Industry & Capabilities PracticesAI is becoming a bigger part of our lives. Adoption of AI has more than doubled since 2017, though it has leveled off in the past few years. And capabilities like natural-language generation and computer vision are playing a major role in the products and business processes of many organizations. In the latest annual Global Survey on AI, McKinsey leaders Michael Chui, Bryce Hall, Helen Mayhew, and Alex Singla look at how AI has expanded and evolved over the past five years, what AI leaders are doing differently to stay ahead, and what needs to be done when it comes to hiring talent. Check it out and explore the data.
Quote of the day
—McKinsey partner Brant Carson, leader of McKinsey’s technology and cloud practices across Asia, on a recent episode of McKinsey’s Future of Asia Podcast
Chart of the day
— Edited by Katherine Tam, editor, New York
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by "McKinsey Daily Read" <> - 06:15 - 8 Dec 2022 -
[Ebook] Anti-Complexity: Your Guide to Distributed Tracing
New Relic
Modern software environments are complex, and optimizing them can be difficult. Not anymore with distributed tracing.
It’s how you can visualize requests pinging all the services your applications use. With distributed tracing, you’ll troubleshoot faster, even if with no explicit error to follow. In the ebook “Why Distributed Tracing is Essential for APM”, you’ll learn:- What distributed tracing is all about
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Take the complexity out of complex systems. Discover distributed tracing.
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by "New Relic" <> - 05:36 - 8 Dec 2022 -
Institutional investors like diversity when allocating capital to private equity firms
Significant opportunities Yes, I'm still interested Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel & Homayoun Hatami
Global leaders, Industry & Capabilities PracticesInsights and strategies to nurture diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. In your mailbox every two weeks.
In this issue, we look at an inaugural study of gender and ethnic/racial diversity in the $10 trillion global private-markets industry. News flash: gender and racial/ethnic diversity at private equity (PE) firms remain low, but institutional investors are eager to see more progress. Top investment officers say they would allocate more than twice as much capital to more diverse PE teams when choosing between otherwise comparable teams. We also head over to the metaverse, where women are already a powerful user base—but where the gender gap in leadership roles is substantial. Plus, some reader reactions to our Women in the Workplace 2022 research.
The PE industry is expanding
workforce diversity. The ensuing
value could help motivate
even more.SPOTLIGHT
The private-markets industry is enormous in size and scale: its nearly $10 trillion in assets under management outranks the GDP of every country in the world except China and the US. In a recently published, first-of-its-kind McKinsey report, The state of diversity in global private markets: 2022, McKinsey senior partners Pontus Averstad and Alejandro Beltrán, along with other McKinsey experts, explore the talent driving the deployment of such immense amounts of capital. Among their key findings: gender and racial/ethnic diversity at PE firms remain low overall but range widely; at the firms that lead in diversity, nearly a third of managing directors (MDs) are women, and an equal share of MDs are ethnic/racial minorities. Diversity laggards have no women MDs whatsoever and just 2 percent ethnic/racial minorities in the role. The report finds that institutional investors can be a catalyst for change. For example, chief investment officers of leading institutional investors told the report’s authors that they would allocate twice as much capital to firms with more gender diversity if choosing between two otherwise comparable firms.
We spoke with McKinsey partner Alexandra Nee, coauthor of The state of diversity in global private markets: 2022, to learn more about the research for this report.
1. What’s your biggest takeaway from this report?
We need more longitudinal data [which tracks the same type of information on the same subjects over a period of time], but we have found positive signs that the industry is making progress on improving gender and ethnic/racial diversity on investing teams. But there is still more opportunity for progress. Aggregating diversity statistics to a firmwide number masks the diversity of PE deal teams, given the higher percentage of minorities in noninvesting roles today. By disaggregating the data, we found that globally, women on average comprise only 12 percent of all MD investing roles in PE firms.
2. Did anything in the results surprise you?
Chief investment officers at top institutional investors across the globe showed a willingness to invest more capital with diverse deal teams, all else equal, with two times the capital allocated to the more gender-diverse deal team and 2.6 times the capital allocated to the deal team with more ethnic/racial diversity.
3. Where do you see signs of progress?
Progress is being made globally on gender diversity. But understanding regional differences will be key to effectively tailoring initiatives to support progress on diversity, equity, and inclusion [DEI] in private markets. For example, while the Asia–Pacific region has the most women in investing compared with Europe and the Americas—20 percent across all investing roles—it also had the largest drop-off in share of women from VP to principal level compared with other regions. This suggests that initiatives to improve gender diversity in Asia–Pacific would be different from those that would most efficiently improve DEI within PE firm offices in Europe or the Americas.
It may still be in its early days, but the metaverse—the next iteration of the internet—has the potential to bring significant change to the global economy. As with other transformative technologies like cloud and AI that have been evolving for decades, early consumers and leaders—including investors and CEOs—will shape the metaverse’s future. The question is, what role will women play? McKinsey’s Mina Alaghband and Lareina Yee found an already existing gender gap in the leadership of today’s metaverse that mirrors one among Fortune 500 and technology companies. That’s despite the fact that women are spending more time in the metaverse than men and are more likely than men to spur and lead metaverse initiatives. In addition, CEO roles and entrepreneurial capital in the metaverse space remain disproportionately reserved for men. Since the metaverse is projected to have a significant impact on our commercial and personal lives, understanding today’s dynamics will be critical for leaders looking to address them while the metaverse is still in its formative stage.
We asked our readers in a previous issue to share those findings from our Women in the Workplace 2022 research that resonated particularly powerfully with them. Here’s what two readers had to say.
“Many of your conclusions resonated with me. As a Eurasian female executive, I have faced many biases throughout my career. As many women have called out, you have to be twice as qualified, work twice as hard, and always be two steps ahead of all your male colleagues. It is going to take many more women making it to C-suite roles as role models and sponsoring other women up the ladder with them. Stereotypes around what a leader looks and acts like—just Google ‘CEO’—will need to change dramatically from what they are today. I just hope this happens in my daughter’s lifetime.” —Former GM/VP at a global insurance company
“This issue resonated particularly strongly. Increasingly, I believe that getting [through to] those who are not yet convinced about why DEI makes good commercial/business/ethical sense means including them in the conversation. It’s one of the Big Problems in society we need to address.” —Technology leader– Justine Jablonska (she/her/hers), editor, New York
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by "McKinsey Intersection" <> - 01:29 - 8 Dec 2022 -
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by "Jignesh Pardeshi" <> - 11:15 - 7 Dec 2022 -
Life insurers face persistent challenges. What major forces are at play in the industry?
On Point
Four forces shaping life insurance Yes, I'm still interested Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel & Homayoun Hatami
Global leaders, Industry & Capabilities Practices• Four forces in life insurance. The past decade has brought with it instability in the life-insurance and retirement industry. Four forces are likely to shape the industry’s future, McKinsey senior partner Vivek Agrawal and coauthors explain. Gaps in governments’ funding of health and retirement programs may create growth opportunities for insurers, nominal interest rates will likely remain high as central banks aim to tamp down inflation, the role of technology is growing as consumers expect better service, and a new middle class is emerging in Asia.
— Edited by Alexandra Mondalek, editor, New York
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Copyright © 2022 | McKinsey & Company, 3 World Trade Center, 175 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10007
by "McKinsey On Point" <> - 10:15 - 7 Dec 2022 -
After founding Grubhub, Mike Evans is still hungry
Harmony Internal - McKinsey
Make the product Yes, I'm still interested Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel & Homayoun Hatami
Global leaders, Industry & Capabilities PracticesA lot of people might feel that taking a startup from idea stage to IPO is a success story. But not Mike Evans, the founder of food delivery behemoth Grubhub. “For me,” Evans says in a new Author Talks interview, “the success was the fact that it was a constant learning process.” It’s taken him years to arrive at that conclusion, a journey on which he freely admits he made some mistakes. To read Evans muse on the times he’s been a “jerk,” the role personal relationships play at work, and what he learned from a cross-country bike tour, check out the interview here. And for more on the rapid growth of the food delivery sector, check out this episode of the McKinsey on Start-ups podcast with McKinsey partners Vishwa Chandra and Victoria Lord.
Quote of the day
Chart of the day
— Edited by Stephanie d’Arc Taylor, editor, Southern California
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by "McKinsey Daily Read" <> - 06:30 - 7 Dec 2022 -
It all begins in 5 minutes' time! Join the fun LIVE!
It all begins in 5 minutes' time! Join the fun LIVE!
The Holiday APIM Extravaganza kicks off shortlyBehold! The world's first ever Holiday APIM Extravaganza!
We're bringing you Martin Buhr, Postman's Kin Lane, Twilio's Nathaniel Okenwa, Women in API's Claire Barrett - and more.... all around one virtual fireplace.
Come join us live by the fire in 10 minutes' time 1000 PT, 1300 ET, 1800 GMT
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There's a limited edition Tyk holiday sweater and a $250 Amazon gift card up for grabs. All you need to do is snap your favourite holiday sweater, post it to your social media network of choice, tag us with the hashtag #APIMExtravaganza - and you will enter the draw! Winners will be announced at the end of the show.
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by "Jason Miller" <> - 12:58 - 7 Dec 2022 -
US employers are struggling to find the right candidates. Could skills-based hiring help?
On Point
Two strategic actions to advance skills-based hiring Yes, I'm still interested Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel & Homayoun Hatami
Global leaders, Industry & Capabilities Practices• Seeking skills. A tight labor market, a challenge that has intensified since the COVID-19 pandemic began, has pushed employers to look beyond college degrees and job titles for qualified candidates. More employers are embracing skills-based hiring practices, finds research by McKinsey and the Rework America Alliance. Employers who focus on skills help communities by creating more and better job opportunities for a diverse, broader pool of workers, say McKinsey senior partner Jonathan Law, partner Bryan Hancock, and their coauthors.
— Edited by Alexandra Mondalek, editor, New York
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Copyright © 2022 | McKinsey & Company, 3 World Trade Center, 175 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10007
by "McKinsey On Point" <> - 12:31 - 7 Dec 2022 -
How to make a CTO role count
Harmony Internal - McKinsey
Create a recipe for success Yes, I'm still interested Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel & Homayoun Hatami
Global leaders, Industry & Capabilities PracticesLasting change, or idea of the day? Many consumer-packaged-goods and retail companies are adding a chief transformation officer to their C-suite–but just what should this critical role entail? Ill-defined responsibilities and a narrow scope can stall out the change your CTO is charged with, or limit the potential of a company looking for holistic growth. No one wants to come up with “yet another change program” every two years, write senior partners Kevin Carmody, Kristi Weaver, partners AD Bhatia, Jim Scott, and their coauthors. There’s no one-size-fits-all, either; while most successful CTOs share a certain skills toolkit, the kind of CTO you require will be determined by your company’s unique needs. Don’t miss a new McKinsey Quarterly article that incorporates insights from nearly 40 current and former CTOs and transformation leaders across CPG and retail companies on the pitfalls they faced, where they were supported and where they weren’t, and how to get the key details right for equipping a new CTO.
Quote of the day
—Russell Hensley, co-leader of the McKinsey Center for Future Mobility in the Americas, on a recent episode of The McKinsey Podcast
Chart of the day
— Edited by Sarah Skinner, editor, New York
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by "McKinsey Daily Read" <> - 06:34 - 6 Dec 2022