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La agenda de resiliencia: soluciones a largo plazo para un mundo perturbado
Harmony Internal - McKinsey
Además, lo que los ganadores de People + Performance (personas + desempeño) hacen de forma did En el último año, los líderes se han enfrentado a disrupciones y crisis propias de toda una vida: conflicto global, incertidumbre energética, escasez de alimentos, aceleración de la inflación y fenómenos climáticos graves. Las disrupciones naturales, así como las provocadas por el hombre no harán sino persistir. Para permitir un crecimiento sostenible e inclusivo a largo plazo, debemos fortalecer la resiliencia más allá de la capacidad de supervivencia. En un nuevo whitepaper hecho en colaboración por McKinsey y el Foro Económico Mundial (World Economic Forum, o WEF), Bob Sternfels, managing partner global de McKinsey, y Børge Brende, presidente del WEF, exponen los elementos clave de la agenda de resiliencia y las acciones que los sectores público y privado deben emprender para fortalecer la resiliencia mundial. Otros temas destacados de la edición de este mes son los siguientes:
• por qué priorizar el desarrollo de los empleados puede ofrecer una ventaja competitiva
• el destino de la globalizacion
• cómo los consumidores valoran las marcas y los productos que incorporan declaraciones relacionadas con las iniciativas ASG
• cómo las desinversiones empresariales pueden desbloquear un valor enorme
La selección de nuestros editores
El poder de decir adiós: Cómo las desinversiones parciales pueden generar valor
Las separaciones pueden ser una oportunidad única para crear valor para las empresas. ¿El secreto? Conocer los detalles sobre los costos de soporte y el talento.
Coseche los frutosEl juego de la plataforma ERP: Más barato, más rápido, mejor
Las actualizaciones de la planificación de recursos empresariales (enterprise resource planning, o ERP) pueden ser caras, complejas e inevitables. Un enfoque de producto y plataforma puede gestionar los costos y mejorar los resultados.
Actualice su ERPEn toda resolución de problemas, debe haber un poco de desacuerdo
En el entorno de negocios interconectado de hoy, las empresas no podrán resolver los problemas con eficacia sin fomentar el "desacuerdo contributivo" (“contributory dissent”), un enfoque saludable para reunir diversas perspectivas que se debe enseñar a los miembros del equipo, modelado por los líderes y respaldado por la cultura.
Elabore un planEsperamos que disfrute de los artículos en español que seleccionamos este mes y lo invitamos a explorar también los siguientes artículos en inglés.
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See the listsMcKinsey Chart of the Day
See our daily chart that helps explain a changing world—as we strive for sustainable, inclusive growth.
Dive inMcKinsey Classics
At a time when businesses are again trying to rein in costs, you’ll want to read “Five myths (and realities) about zero-based budgeting.”
RewindThe Shortlist
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Subscribe— Edited by Eleni Kostopoulos, managing editor, New York
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by "Destacados de McKinsey" <> - 08:50 - 11 Mar 2023 -
Geopolitical risk, gender parity in Asia, 10 resilience actions for procurement leaders, and more: The Daily Read weekender
Harmony Internal - McKinsey
Essential reads for the weekend Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel, chief client officer and managing partner, global industry practices, & Homayoun Hatami, managing partner, global client capabilities
As you unwind this weekend, get caught up on the week’s big insights on how to navigate geopolitical risk, 10 actions for procurement leaders, opportunities for gender parity in Asia, and more.
chart of the day
Ready to unwind?
— Edited by Joyce Yoo, editor, New York
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Copyright © 2023 | McKinsey & Company, 3 World Trade Center, 175 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10007
by "McKinsey Daily Read" <> - 06:39 - 10 Mar 2023 -
You’re invited! Join us for discussions on talent and US productivity
Harmony Internal - McKinsey
Register now New from McKinsey Global Institute
You’re invited! Join us for discussions on talent and US productivity
We invite you to join us for two special virtual events taking place this month featuring insights from our latest research and discussions with leading voices.
Performance through people: Transforming human capital into competitive advantage
Thursday, March 16, 8:00 a.m. PT | 11:00 a.m. ET | 4:00 p.m. CET | 8:30 p.m. IST
We’ve found a dual focus on developing people and managing them well gives a select group of companies a long-term performance edge over sector peers when it comes to earnings consistency, resilience in times of crisis, and employee retention. Join McKinsey authors and Kausik Rajgopal of PayPal, Gina Jardine of CRH, Prithwiraj Choudhury of HBS, and Jeff Cava, former CHRO of Nike, Starwood, and other firms. They’ll discuss how companies can translate developing talent into bottom-line impact in the context of broader workplace trends, including hybrid work, talent shortages, and skills development for the future of work.Rekindling US productivity for a new era
Wednesday, March 22, 12:30 p.m. PT | 3:30 p.m. ET
We’ve found regaining historical rates of productivity growth would add $10 trillion to US GDP—a boost needed to confront workforce shortages, debt, inflation, and the energy transition. Join McKinsey authors and Erik Brynjolfsson of Stanford, Beth Cobert of the Markle Foundation, Steve Case of Revolution, and Nick Thompson, CEO of the Atlantic, for a discussion on the striking variations in long-term productivity growth patterns across states, cities, sectors, and companies, and steps leaders can take today to accelerate productivity and create a more sustainable, inclusive, and growing economy in the US.Share these insights
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Copyright © 2023 | McKinsey & Company, 3 World Trade Center, 175 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10007
by "McKinsey Global Institute" <> - 02:09 - 10 Mar 2023 -
I’m right, you’re . . . also right? Learning how to argue
The Shortlist
Four new insights Curated by Liz Hilton Segel, chief client officer and managing partner, global industry practices, & Homayoun Hatami, managing partner, global client capabilities
Twice monthly, we bring you four new insights out of the dozens we publish that we think are worth a second glance from any business leader in any geography. In this edition, we look closely at how to have a good argument, understanding geopolitical risks, and more. We hope you enjoy the read.
—Liz and Homayoun
Productivity is a puzzle. In most Western economies, productivity has sagged in the past few decades, despite stunning advances in technology. Why? One clue might lie in the varying practices of leaders and laggards. The McKinsey Global Institute found sharp differences among US states, sectors, and cities—as well as companies, where leaders do more to build a future-ready workforce, get the most out of today’s technologies, and are already putting tomorrow’s tech to work.
We hope you find this synthesis helpful. See you in two weeks with four more ideas from McKinsey.
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Copyright © 2023 | McKinsey & Company, 3 World Trade Center, 175 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10007
by "McKinsey Shortlist" <> - 02:38 - 10 Mar 2023 -
How—and why—should leaders encourage dissent?
On Point
How to engage with naysayers Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel, chief client officer and managing partner, global industry practices, & Homayoun Hatami, managing partner, global client capabilities
• Handling dissent. Recent events have underscored the importance of collaboration and of welcoming diverse perspectives when trying to solve complex workplace problems. Now more than ever, decision makers can’t act alone. But while many leaders say they welcome dissent, they might not like it when they get some. What’s missing in many companies is contributory dissent, or using the skills required to engage in healthy, if divergent, discussions about critical business problems, according to McKinsey senior partner Dana Maor and her coauthors.
— Edited by Belinda Yu, editor, Atlanta
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Copyright © 2023 | McKinsey & Company, 3 World Trade Center, 175 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10007
by "McKinsey On Point" <> - 10:11 - 9 Mar 2023 -
Generative AI: Unlocking the future of fashion
Harmony Internal - McKinsey
Explore the possibilities Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel, chief client officer and managing partner, global industry practices, & Homayoun Hatami, managing partner, global client capabilities
There’s been a lot of buzz around generative artificial intelligence (AI) in recent months, and soon it could become a major force in fashion. According to McKinsey analysis, generative AI could add up to $275 billion in operating profits to the apparel, fashion, and luxury sector, with use cases in merchandising, supply chains and logistics, marketing, consumer experience, store operations, and more. While the technology is still nascent, it has the potential to become a game changer in many aspects of fashion businesses, say McKinsey senior partner Holger Harreis, partner Roger Roberts, and their coauthors in a new article. Explore the possibilities of the future of fashion and stay ahead of the curve.
Quote of the day
—Paolo Gallo, CEO of Italgas, on the key enablers for switching to longer-term capex investments in “‘Whatever we can measure, we can manage’: An interview with Paolo Gallo”
Chart of the day
— Edited by Joyce Yoo, editor, New York
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Copyright © 2023 | McKinsey & Company, 3 World Trade Center, 175 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10007
by "McKinsey Daily Read" <> - 06:29 - 9 Mar 2023 -
It’s here... The Remote Global Update March 2023
It’s here... The Remote Global Update March 2023
Get your hands on the most impactful, eye-opening piece of research in remote work to date. The Remote Workforce Report 2023 has all the answers you need to grow globally with confidence.March 2023It’s here: The definite report on remote work and distributed teams for 2023.
This first-of-its-kind research includes the data you need to access and retain top talent; realize the cost efficiencies of global hiring; and future-proof your organization against a rapidly shifting economic climate.
Remote product release notes for February
Remote CEO, Job van der Voort, has just released a new blog article outlining some of our most exciting new product features. In this latest update, Job provides valuable insights into our new features for employers, gives a sneak preview of what's coming next on Remote, and shares an exclusive glimpse of the new look and feel that's coming soon!
Calling all law firms
Are your clients struggling to find an HR partner they can trust to enable international employment? Join our referral partner program to empower your clients with the compliance protection, equity management expertise, and legal support they need to grow globally. Plus, they'll gain access to special discounts on Remote’s global employment platform.
Easy speedy grant equity for international teams
We are excited to share Easop has launched an easy-to-use integration with Remote. Connecting Easop and Remote will now allow US companies to grant and manage equity for international team members – a powerful incentive to attract the world’s best talent.
New partner discounts available
We're thrilled to add Little Emperors, Shyft, Workwize, and Zendesk to our growing roster of marketplace partners. Learn how they can help you grow your global business and get special discounts on their products.
Webinar: Future of global employment - what we learned from 1,500+ remote leaders
Thursday, March 30, 2023 5:00PM UTC
Don’t miss out on fresh insights about the future of global employment and remote teams! Join the expert panel as we delve into the data from Remote’s 2023 Global Workforce Report and discuss the key lessons for leaders of distributed teams. Register now to secure your spot.
Join us at HRD National HR Summit 2023 in Sydney, Australia on March 22-23.
Remote is proud to be the Event Partner of HRD National HR Summit 2023 in Sydney, Australia on March 22-23. Paula Dieli, our VP of Onboarding and Mobility, will share her expertise on retaining top talent. If you’re Down Under, come and visit us at booth 36!
Remote-First Institute fights for location-independent work
Looking to support the future of work? Donate to Remote-First Institute's mission to help transition 100,000 companies to remote-first by the end of 2025.
On-demand Webinar: Mass-quitting in 2023. How to be an outlier company
Watch our online HR event with global experts to learn how to retain top employees and prevent resignations by understanding why employees leave and creating a desirable work environment.
Find the best talent anywhere
Access a global hiring pool through our Talent Marketplace. Connect with sourcing agencies and recruiting firms to tap into top candidates faster. Remote customers can also enjoy special discounts from our partners.
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18 Bartol St. #1163 San Francisco California
by "Remote" <> - 11:30 - 9 Mar 2023 -
[White paper] What Makes Observability a Priority
New Relic
Organizations are managing a more diverse array of infrastructure than ever, which increases security, risk, and compliance concerns and affects service-level metrics. However, monitoring is fragmented and significant data is unmonitored.
In our whitepaper, What Makes Observability a Priority, we discuss the rise of monitoring and observability, cloud adoption, and why pricing and billing can be a barrier to achieving observability.
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by "New Relic" <> - 09:07 - 9 Mar 2023 -
You're' invited 🎙Webinar: Future of global employment: what we learned from 1,500+ remote leaders.
You're' invited 🎙Webinar: Future of global employment: what we learned from 1,500+ remote leaders.
Register todayHi MD,
We would like to invite you to join our upcoming webinar where we will be discussing the findings of Remote's extensive research project on global employment and distributed teams. Our team of experts will delve into key insights from this research and provide valuable perspectives on what this data means for businesses in 2023 and beyond. Don't miss out on this special event and register now to secure your spot!
Webinar: Future of global employment: what we learned from 1,500+ remote leaders
Date and times:Thursday, March 30, 2023
5:00PM UTC
6:00PM CET
12:00PM EST
9:00AM PST
What will you learn?
How are companies optimizing headcount costs hiring distributed teams?
How long does it take to fill open roles with remote talent?
Which factors affect remote employee retention?
Are remote employees and managers treated differently than in-office peers?
What are the most cost-effective ways to hire globally?
Do remote employees feel connected to their colleagues and supported by their leaders?
- Preston Wickersham - Manager, Content Marketing
- Maryia Karachun - Manager, Talent Acquisition
- Paula Dieli - VP of Onboarding & Mobility
- Amanda Day - Director of People Enablement
Attendees at this event will also be eligible for SHRM credit!
* To unlock SHRM credit you must watch at least 75% of the event, as per SHRM requirements.Grow your headcount
without the headaches.
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18 Bartol St. #1163 San Francisco California
by "Remote" <> - 08:03 - 9 Mar 2023 -
It’s tough to be a CEO. What mindset shifts are needed to succeed?
On Point
Five steps to greater adaptability Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel, chief client officer and managing partner, global industry practices, & Homayoun Hatami, managing partner, global client capabilities
• Many may fail. No one should assume that they have it all figured out when transitioning into the role of CEO, say McKinsey senior partners Carolyn Dewar and Scott Keller and coauthors. One-third to one-half of new CEOs are considered to be failing within 18 months of taking the role, and more than 90% of those CEOs confess that they wish that they had managed their transition differently. Those who succeed reinvent themselves by rewiring the work habits and mindsets that they’ve built up over decades.
— Edited by Belinda Yu, editor, Atlanta
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Copyright © 2023 | McKinsey & Company, 3 World Trade Center, 175 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10007
by "McKinsey On Point" <> - 11:52 - 8 Mar 2023 -
Streamline your Fleet Fuel and Maximize your Savings
Streamline your Fleet Fuel and Maximize your Savings
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by "Sunny Thakur" <> - 11:30 - 8 Mar 2023 -
Test Smarter, Sleep Better With Design-First API Contract Testing: A Real-Life Scenario
Join Us for An Upcoming WebinarWebinar InvitationJoin us on March 14 or 15 to dive deeper into the integration for enhanced API designing + testing!Imagine a world where you don’t have to wake up at 3 AM to fix an easily preventable API outage. Or one where you catch errors earlier in the cycle, rather than wait for others to confirm if your changes caused code to break.
Join this webinar for an interactive walkthrough of design-first API contract testing - the solution to preventing API service outages.
Our poster boys for design-first API contract testing, Yousaf Nabi and Alex Bonstrom, will show you a real-life implementation of the SwaggerHub and PactFlow integration for your API provider and API consumer teams.Hope to see you there!
P.S. Not sure to join? As a live attendee you'll find this format gives you a lot of value in a short amount of time - especially if you have questions. (You can catch the recording later, but potentially get a lot more out if you join us live.)Molly FarmerGrowth Marketing Manager, SmartBearThis email was sent to by SmartBear Software, 450 Artisan Way, Somerville, MA. 02145, 617684.2600, We hope you found this email of interest. However, we value your privacy. If you do not wish to receive future correspondence from us, please click here to manage email preferences.
by "Molly from Smartbear" <> - 09:51 - 8 Mar 2023 -
A conversation with senior partner Kweilin Ellingrud
Harmony Internal - McKinsey
Make it memorable Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel, chief client officer and managing partner, global industry practices, & Homayoun Hatami, managing partner, global client capabilities
New from McKinsey & Company
This Women’s History Month, we’re chatting with McKinsey leaders about their role as women in the workplace and beyond. Today, we’ll hear from Kweilin Ellingrud, McKinsey Global Institute director and senior partner in Minneapolis who leads insights and discussions on future of work, gender equality, racial equity, and productivity. For more Q&As throughout the month, bookmark this page.
To see more essential reading on topics that matter, visit McKinsey Themes.
— Edited by Eleni Kostopoulos, managing editor, New York, and Joyce Yoo, editor, New York
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Copyright © 2023 | McKinsey & Company, 3 World Trade Center, 175 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10007
by "McKinsey & Company" <> - 05:11 - 8 Mar 2023 -
Six new imperatives for real estate players
Harmony Internal - McKinsey
Follow the path to success Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel, chief client officer and managing partner, global industry practices, & Homayoun Hatami, managing partner, global client capabilities
Inflation, interest rates, the pandemic, and other economic factors have contributed to a challenging few years for the real estate industry. Amid changes in the market, people’s behaviors, and the macroeconomics environment, those who want to stay competitive must embrace these challenges, starting by prioritizing the needs of tenants, according to McKinsey senior partners Daniele Chiarella and Aditya Sanghvi and their coauthors. In a new article, they detail six imperatives real estate investors and operators should adopt in order to be successful in the current market. See what they have to say and set yourself up for success.
Quote of the day
—Leadership coach Sally Helgesen on how organizations can build a more inclusive culture in a recent Author Talks interview
Chart of the day
— Edited by Joyce Yoo, editor, New York
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Copyright © 2023 | McKinsey & Company, 3 World Trade Center, 175 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10007
by "McKinsey Daily Read" <> - 05:05 - 8 Mar 2023 -
Women are leaving their jobs in record numbers. What do they say they’re looking for?
On Point
What’s behind the “Great Breakup”? Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel, chief client officer and managing partner, global industry practices, & Homayoun Hatami, managing partner, global client capabilities
• Strong headwinds. Burnout is still a big challenge for women in corporate America, reveal McKinsey senior partners Alexis Krivkovich and Lareina Yee in the latest episode of The McKinsey Podcast. Women are more likely to be spending time on diversity and inclusion initiatives, even though many don’t feel formally recognized for that work. The 2022 Women in the Workplace study, a joint research effort from LeanIn.Org and McKinsey, found that women who want to advance face strong headwinds: for instance, 37% of women leaders reported having a coworker take credit for their idea.
— Edited by Belinda Yu, editor, Atlanta
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Copyright © 2023 | McKinsey & Company, 3 World Trade Center, 175 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10007
by "McKinsey On Point" <> - 12:25 - 8 Mar 2023 -
Sumo Logic invites you to the Alert Smarter webinar
Sumo Logic
Are your Best Practices the best they can be?When your SRE team is consuming valuable time and resources troubleshooting, the customer’s digital experience suffers. False positive alerts continue to cause real issues to be missed, downtime and decreased reliability.
Reducing false positives is the solution. Join us as we discuss 5 key recommendations to reduce alert noise and detect real issues efficiently.- Choose what to measure
- Choose how to measure
- Decide who responds to alerts
- Decide where to route alerts
- Tune your alerts
Sumo Logic, Level 9, 64 York Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
© 2023 Sumo Logic, All rights reserved.Unsubscribe
by "SumoLogic" <> - 12:01 - 8 Mar 2023 -
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by "Pro-face by Schneider Electric" <> - 10:00 - 7 Mar 2023 -
Becoming a high-potential CEO candidate: The journey to the top
Harmony Internal - McKinsey
Strive for excellence Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel, chief client officer and managing partner, global industry practices, & Homayoun Hatami, managing partner, global client capabilities
What does it take to ascend to the CEO position? It’s a lot like climbing Mount Everest—very few people make it to the top, but what you experience during the climb is invaluable, according to McKinsey senior partners Carolyn Dewar, Scott Keller, Vikram Malhotra, and Kurt Strovink. In a new article, they lay out four ways to succeed in the journey to becoming a high-profile CEO candidate and share advice from leading CEOs and academics. Think you have what it takes to make it to the top? Give it a read and get ready to climb to new heights.
Quote of the day
—McKinsey senior partner Alexis Krivkovich on advice she would give women in their professional journeys in The Women of McKinsey video series
Chart of the day
— Edited by Joyce Yoo, editor, New York
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Copyright © 2023 | McKinsey & Company, 3 World Trade Center, 175 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10007
by "McKinsey Daily Read" <> - 05:14 - 7 Mar 2023 -
Happy Holi
by "Team InfodriveIndia" <> - 12:50 - 7 Mar 2023 -
[Online workshop] Improving Observability with New Relic Mobile and React Native
New Relic
With New Relic’s latest support for React Native, you can ingest data from framework-instrumented applications directly into New Relic. So now you can see not only application performance but how the performance of your entire stack impacts users.
Register for this online workshop on 22nd March at 2 PM GMT/ 3 PM CET to learn the steps for instrumenting your React Native apps with New Relic, and use the data reported to understand and improve the performance of your applications over time.
We will cover:-
How to install New Relic SDK in the React-Native demo app
Availability, Functionality, and Performance
Examples of how to add custom data, like breadcrumbs and custom events.
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by "EMEA Marketing" <> - 05:36 - 7 Mar 2023 -