RE: Seeking for the agent in Saudi Arabia

Dear agent,


Trust you are doing great.


I sincerely invite you to join GLA platform and cover the increasing request ex Saudi Arabia from our GLA members.


Now is the best time to join GLA Family in the beginning of 2024.




Last but not the least, I wish you, your family and your company a prosperous 2024! See you in GLA Dubai Conference for a great talk if possible!


I am looking forward to your cooperative feedback regarding your GLA Membership Application.


Best regards,


说明: cid:image006.png@01D96931.C9605D30

Ella Liu

GLA Overseas Department


(86) 199 2879 7478



GLA Co.,Ltd



No. 2109, 21st Floor, HongChang, Plaza, No. 2001, Road Shenzhen, China

说明: facebook icon 说明: twitter icon 说明: youtube icon 说明: linkedin icon 说明: instagram icon 


Ø  The 10th GLA Global Logistics Conference will be held at 29th April2nd May 2024 in Dubai, UAE.

Registration Link:

说明: cid:image015.jpg@01DA68BB.1915E7D0

Ø  The 8th GLA Conference in Bangkok Thailand, online album:

Ø  The 9th GLA Conference in Hainan China, online album:

说明: cid:image001.jpg@01DA1D5D.279FD080   说明: cid:image002.jpg@01DA1DF8.6F02F290

Notice Agreement No 7

7. GLA president reserves the right to cancel or reject membership or application. 

company shall cease to be a member of GLA if:

a) the Member does not adhere to GLA terms and conditions

b) the Member gives notice of resignation in writing to the GLA.

c) No good reputation in the market.

d) Have bad debt records in the GLA platform or in the market




by "Ella Liu" <> - 02:08 - 12 Apr 2024