[Report] Unlocking retail success: Observability trends and strategies

New Relic

New Relic
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With billions of dollars of consumer spending being driven via digital, retailers need to improve their uptime and reliability and double down on their digital customer experience strategies. A seamless, omnichannel customer journey means investing in observability tools that provide complete visibility across complicated technology stacks.

This report focuses on the adoption and business value of observability across the retail sector. Topics include:
  • Outage frequency, downtime (MTTD and MTTR), and cost (hourly and annual)
  • Trends driving retail observability adoption
  • Number of retail data monitoring tools and preference
  • The future of observability for Retail
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by "New Relic" <emeamarketing@newrelic.com> - 06:08 - 1 Feb 2024