Sporting Goods 2023: The need for resilience in a world in disarray

Harmony Internal - McKinsey

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Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel, chief client officer and managing partner, global industry practices, & Homayoun Hatami, managing partner, global client capabilities

Lipstick may be recession proof, but what about yoga pants? In a world preoccupied with global recession, a land war in Europe, continuing supply chain issues, record inflation, and rising interest rates, consumers worldwide have less money to spend on athletic shoes, clothes, and gear. 2022 was a down year for the industry, after generally positive returns in 2021. Looking ahead to an uncertain future, short-term headwinds urgently demand companies embed resilience into their operations. Simply raising prices might not cut it this time. For a more nuanced, holistic roadmap comprising six key actions for sporting goods organizations, check out a new report by McKinsey associate partner Sabine Becker, senior partners Achim Berg, Raphael Buck, and partner Alexander Thiel.


Quote of the day

Chad P. Bown, Reginald Jones Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, on trade policy in a recent episode of the McKinsey Global Institute’s Forward Thinking podcast

Chart of the day


— Edited by Stephanie d’Arc Taylor, editor, Southern California

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