¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Whose fault is it anyway? Start debugging today with 100GB free.


It can be frustrating trying to figure out why your application performance is lagging or continually producing errors—particularly when you’re using a mix of third-party services, legacy components, business APIs, and modern cloud solutions.

If you haven’t finished instrumenting your apps and systems yet with our new and easier to use guided install, that’s a lot of free metrics, events, logs, and traces going to waste with your 100GB of free data available each month in New Relic.


Best of all, you can instantly drill down on errors down to the log level, or use distributed tracing to see if it was your code or an external service causing the issue.

Happy monitoring,

by "Max Francisco from New Relic" <mfrancisco@newrelic.com> - 12:01 - 16 May 2022