Weekly Sumo Logic Usage Report for Learn Odoo


  • Alerts
    • Update - We've madealerts and monitorsmore customizable to give you control over how often you are notified. You can now:
      • Customize the alert name to differentiate between multiple alerts created from the same monitor.
      • Choose recovery based on "Single Data point" meeting the recovery threshold or "all data points" meeting the threshold before the alert is resolved.

  • Traces
    • Update - Traces can now show aggregated trace duration critical path contribution (CPC) breakdown chart summarized for all traces from the Traces query result set.
    • Use this chart to:
      • Quickly understand intermittent duration spikes or slowdowns
      • Immediately spot offending service by comparing CPC contribution by service

  • Apps
    • New - Gigamon ThreatINSIGHT allows you to stay a step ahead by giving your security teams more: time, data, and insight into attacker behavior. The Gigamon ThreatINSIGHT App for Sumo Logic provides dashboards and visualizes data from ThreatInsight MetaStream files, which helps in identifying potential threats enabling rapid, informed response.
    • New - The Gigamon HAWK app for Sumo Logic provides deep observability by collecting application context from the network. Its rich metadata attributes extraction offers a holistic picture of what's happening in the network.
    • New - The Lucidum app for Sumo Logic eliminates blind spots across cloud, security, and IT operations. It gives information about assets, data sources, services, locations, risk factors, and ports.

View all Sumo new features in our Release Notes.

Below are some snapshots of Learn Odoo's usage of Sumo Logic in the past week. Please see our FAQ or reach out to your Customer Account Manager for any questions or help with adding recipients and stop receiving these emails.

Account Info
Account ID: 0000000000BC3A3C
Plan Type: credits_free
Credits Allocated: 600
Credits Utilized Term To Date (TTD): 0 (0.0%)
Forecasted Utilization (based on TTD rate):

Forecasted Utilization (based on last 30 days rate):

Provisioned Users: 1
# Partitions: 0
# Scheduled Views: 0
# Field Extraction Rules: 0
# Dashboards: 0
# Public Dashboards: 0

Credits Utilization Breakdown

Log Search Statistics - Statistics on UI searches
Check out our search rules to live by and our Welcome webinar on optimizing your performance!

Help us improve the usage reports by filling out the feedback form with your suggestions.


Sumo Logic Customer Success

by customer-success@sumologic.com - 01:32 - 27 Jun 2022