Welcome to SwaggerHub!

Welcome to SwaggerHub! You have started a 14 day trial of all the pro features..
Hi there,

Thank you for joining SwaggerHub, the collaborative platform for designing and documenting REST APIs.

For the next 14 days, you have access to test out all the Enterprise features in SwaggerHub for free. After the trial period, you can upgrade to a Team plan to collaborate with team members and get additional features, or just stay as a free account and have access to all the open source tools in one place.

Here is a comprehensive guide on Getting Started with SwaggerHub.

We also host a weekly introductory training for SwaggerHub on Thursdays to help you get up and running.

Sign up for our Live Training Session

We'll also be sending along best practices and tutorials to help you learn how to use the platform quickly.

If you have any questions about SwaggerHub, just reach out to us via the in-app chat and we'll do our best to help.

P.S. Just so you know, SmartBear is the company behind SwaggerHub and other great tools.

- The SwaggerHub Team

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by "The SwaggerHub Team" <swaggerhub-team@smartbear.com> - 05:33 - 18 Oct 2021