Why Crisp moved to one monitoring solution

New Relic

Crisp, a risk-intelligence company that helps protect brands from online attacks

New Relic
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Crisp, a risk-intelligence company that helps protect brands from online attacks, transitioned from multiple open-source monitoring tools to one single view with New Relic. The complexity and cost of managing various tools prompted this shift.

After a year-long evaluation, Crisp found New Relic to be the optimal choice for streamlined operations and improved observability. New Relic's pricing based on hosts aligns with Crisp’s needs, eliminating the confusion of data throughput models.

Read how New Relic gave Crisp a more efficient and cost-effective monitoring experience.
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by "New Relic" <emeamarketing@newrelic.com> - 07:07 - 14 Mar 2024